My name is Charles, and I have been into creating elements for computer games since the advent of Microsoft's XNA back in 2006. I had a blog on the XNA UK User group and went by the name of NemoKrad.
In 2009 Microsoft saw fit to reward my community contributions with and MVP in the area of XNA/DirectX and I kept my MVP up until 2013.
When the "new" Windows Phone came out, I was hired to help port a game called Ghostscap, created by Psionic Games and released under Microsoft Studios on the platform.
I have my name in a few XB Live titles from back in the day, and a few years ago helped a friend release Gear Gauntlet on the XBox One and Jay kindly gave me a credit on that.
Since then I have been playing around with MongGame and Unity. I have had some assets on the asset store, but Unity being how it is, you soon fall into the trap of constantly having to patch your work as each successive Unity update or release will most likely break your asset, I ended up in support hell, a place I didn't want to be seeing as I was only doing it part time and not as a job.
The past year or so, I have been working as a C# contractor, providing consulting and development around C# and Unity. Prior to that, I was a senior developer working in the retail industry, leading teams and projects, some of the work was quite innovative in it's day.
Well, in my day job I am still a contractor, feel free to shoot me a message if you would like to offer me work by the way, but I want to wind this down and with any luck make some money from writing the software I want to write, namely, games :D
So, that's my plan, I am hoping to post WIP projects here as well as release some games too. I will be mostly targeting Windows and Android platforms, along with the Quest.
I may even set up a Patreon to support this account too.